What are the chances?

On April 11th, 2007 I called the Service desk at work because my computer crapped out.  It appeared like a Push was happening over the network, and then a bunch of files seemed to vanish off the drive, including some program files.  The machine was doing funny stuff for some time, so the LAN admins suspected hardware failure.  A new machine was requested for me.    


I got my new computer on April 13th, and it looked good.  I finally had the machine configured almost to how I wanted it by the 20th.  A few settings here and there; a couple apps that I run for my job needed to be placed on the PC.  None of these require installation; they only need to be unzipped to a directory, they way all should run IMHO.


Yesterday, my PC crapped out again.  Looks like the same issue.  LAN Admins attempted to reimage, but it appears that the laptop won’t take the image.  A new machine will be coming to me again.  Another day wasted at work…SIGH!
